University Dropouts, a sociological approach to the decision making process of the students (Abstract)

How to explain the phenomenon of college students drop out? This work aims to disclose a proposed explanatory model that addresses this issue from the educational decision making process of youth under the conceptual framework of sociology of education, specifically through analytical research program of “school choice depending on the social position”, proposed by the French sociologist Raymond Boudon (1983), which conceptualizes the educational decisions of students and their families in terms of expectations related instrumental maintain position in the social structure, education and defensive strategy, which incorporates beliefs about the academic, economic and social benefits associated future educational credentials, and perceived limitations on the structure of opportunities own social origin; also integrating precisions and theoretical reformulations by Ri- chard Breen and John Goldthorpe (1997) on minimum educational thresholds by social class; and the conceptualization of instrumental and intrinsic preferences in relation to the education of agents developed by Diego Gambetta (1987).

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